How to Make a Quilted Stadium Seat Cushion
Welcome friends! In this post we have a fantastic guest post tutorial by
Jessica Steele with the excellent step-by-step process to make your own
Quilted ...
Like A Bad Penny - I'm Back!
Hello quilt lovers!
I began writing this blog in March of 2011. If any of my followers are
still out there, I've missed you and I apologize. My obsession w...
Monday- post Daylight savings time
Does Daylight Savings time get you?
I was a few minutes late to my Daughters of Utah Pioneers meeting today.
I forgot to change the alarm clock in my bedroo...
21 Days from Quilt Top to Quilted -- Day 18
WooHoo! I just finished writing Lesson 18 in 21 Days from Quilt Top to
Quilted and it shows how I quilted my Blanket Fort Quilt using my walking
foot on...
****Fundraiser Book Sale***** NOW
This is going to be a long post with lots of photos. I recommend writing
down the books you'd like then send me an email at
with ...
March 2025 Monthly Specials
Every month, we have a new batch of specials that we pick out just for you!
If you haven’t had a chance to explore those deals on our site yet this
12 Fat Eighth Friendly Quilts
Today’s video is a quilt lovers extravaganza. =) I am sharing viewer
quilts, answering viewer questions, and sharing a trunk show of quilts.
Plus, we have ...
Time Travel 1938
Time Travel---Back to 1938
Not the best year ever
but a good one for the textile collection
at the National Museum at the Smithsonian
*The museum in...
Niche Notions Quilt Shops on Off the Wall Friday
So now that JoAnn's is no longer, where does one shop? So glad you
asked!! I've always liked technology... although for the
favorite sayin...
Still kickin'!
For some time now I have been telling myself that I need to write a post,
but then I did't feel like I had much to share. The bulk of the sewing I
have d...
February - Longest Month Ever!
Hello! Here is my first 2025 Finish. Sweet little dolly quilt.
I also made a little doll quilt for a sweet girl turning 1 year next month.
If it looks fam...
Teaching Beginner Color
And Tonight we go Live!! On the design wall of the new classroom at Poppy
Quilt N Sew the color wheels from Color, Thread & Free-Motion Quilting hang
A New Cross Stitch Pattern
Rejoice Sampler is my newest cross stitch pattern! I used both Valdani 6
strand embroidery floss, and DMC embroidery floss to stitch the sampler
onto Wee...
A Big Stitch in Time
I wanted to start the new year off mastering something new. I had tried
big stitch once before and was not happy with my results, so I whipped up a
Back to School
House Bill 60 in Utah allows adults 62 and over to audit any public
university/college courses for just $25 a semester. The law was passed in
1977, and a...
TGIFF: Iridescent Star!
Hi, it's time for " Thank Goodness It's Finished" Friday! Thanks for
stopping by!
Iridescent Star
Yay! It's always great to cross off another UFO! Big ...
Alabama Quilt Block
This patchwork pattern is called Alabama. The block, made by Lena Wallace,
is in the friendship quilt Malaga 1937 which I blogged about back in 2016.
"Welsh Beauty" queen size quilt
How do you eat an elephant? I am looking for an ambitious soul to take on
a hand quilting project that I started some time ago. The queen size quilt
has W...
It's A Finish--Antebellum!
Antebellum aka My Inking Journey began in 2018 when Barbara Brackman
announced her Antebellum Block of the Month here.
I chose to reproduce inkings fro...
How to Make a Quilt Journal That’s Perfect for You
Tired of the same old pre-printed quilt journals with set fields that don’t
fully capture your unique projects? In this post, I’ll show you how to
It's My Day! BH5 block 1 Bright Star
Hello Blockheads!
Welcome to Group One for the 5th Moda Blockheads sew along! I'm pretty
excited here, for a new sampler quilt project. Or three, as yo...
Princess Quilt
My nieces when they were little (they are now in their twenties) named
this room in their grandmother's house 'The Princess Room'.
A Princess Room needs...
April Showers Kind of Day
I've been away a long time and don't have much to show for it. I finally
got the rows of this quilt sewn together but have to get it finished. For
Counted Cross Stitch and a Quilt Finish
Counted cross stitch has made a big come back and I have joined those
returning to the craft. What a change since I taught myself how to do it
back in ...
New Board Members Needed!
Should attend the monthly board meetings (1st Monday of the month at 1 pm)
Should attend the annual meeting held at Quilt Festival
Ensure m...
Sewing Retreat
*I love seeing the creativity come from each person during the week of
sewing retreat.*
Mother is watching two of her
great grandchildren play together.
Radical Rose
Original Quilt from our Collection We love seeing quilters making projects
with our patterns.
Our 'Radical Rose' has been a popular pattern for us.
One o...
New Year, New Beginnings
I love making collages if I can stay out of my head. This is not easy at
times, but when it happens, the world disappears. Creating "Quiet Joy" took
a w...
Life Before Quilting - Part 2
Was there ever a life before Quilting?
If you click on the link above, you'll see the first article I wrote for my
grandkids about my life before marriag...
Shunned Series
In my mind a did a blog post just about a month or so ago... in reality it
was 8 months ago, and here we are with just a few weeks left in 2019. So,
Still here!
Though I've been inactive for several months, I am still here! Still doing
what I always do! Not much changes and that's how I like it (highly
resistant ...
Quilted Cushion from Durham
Here is another quilted cushion. The maker was from Durham, and I hope to
be given her name at some point. The finishing is much better than the
usual; th...
a rare gathering
At Thursday's Portland Modern Quilt Guild meeting, photo by Karen Lee The
November meeting of the Portland Modern Quilt Guild last Thursday night was
a r...
Back on track...sort of...
Hope this short post gives me the kick start needed to get back in to the
sewing/quilting mode. After being in “wool acquisition” denial, I have
caved in t...
The summer is zooming by, isn't it? I hope you are enjoying it, and that
you have power and a/c when you need it. Its been a scorcher off and on for...
Emma Andres Fourteenth Quilt Arizona State Seal
Arizona State Seal Quilt
Original Design by Emma Andres
Collection of the Arizona Historical Society
Emma planned, designed, hand embroidered, and hand qui...
Park Your Needle Safely
If you sew by hand, you know how vexing it can be to lose your needle.
Maybe you were interrupted from your hand quilting, and upon return, you
cannot f...
Life after a Flood: It's Not All bad!
Between 5 and 7 PM on February 27th, a small cold water valve under our
master bathroom sink gave way. I was gone but had been in there prior to
Lattice Quilt Top
Some quilts take many inspirations to find their way.
This is one of those.
It started with this floral and gingham yucata cotton,
a gift from Patri...
All You Need is Love - Beatles Quilts
I loved being part of the Beatles Quilt Project and making this fun bird
quilt. My song was "And Your Bird Can Sing". There is a book available of
all the...
Quilt Re-Folding
Ha! A mere three years between blog posts! This summer I've been going
through my 20+ years' worth of quilts and sewing treasures. Everything from
Quilts and Human Rights Wins Prize
The *Quilts and Human Right*s book that I was honored to co-author with my
Michigan State University Museum colleagues, Marsha MacDowell, Lynne
Swanson ...
Autumn - My Favorite Season!
First, I would like to thank each of you who took the time to comment on
our Gizmo. People who love their pets "get" how terrible it is to lose one.
We t...
Posting old favourites...
Not much sewing getting done, but as it's the last day of
winter....yay!.... I thought I'd repost some old favourites.
Lovely and fresh, ready for spring. ...
Brenda's Bounty - a work in progress
WIP...sounds so much better than UFO don't you think?
*Brenda's Bounty *started in January - 7 1/2 " finished blocks
My favourite antique quilt in Linda Co...
Quilt St. George Aug 22 - 24, 2017
Hi Friends!
Quilt St. George is happening! There are still a few available spots for
Lisa Bongean's classes and plenty of availability at her trunk sh...
Esther Coates Wileman: An Unscripted Life
Esther Coates Wileman's quilt has been the topic of our last three posts
and will be covered again, this time, by telling the story of the woman for
whom i...
Carol's Gravity
Wow, it's been over a month since I posted! Yikes
Years ago my cousin told me that time goes by faster as one gets older.
Never knew what she meant then.....
Visit my new blog
Also try going to and search for @annhermes in the search...
Thrifty with thread
I got some sewing notions at an estate sale a few weeks ago. Some of the
thread I found reminded me of spools Mom had when I was little. She saved
every ...
This Blog Is No Longer Active
Thank you so much for visiting over the years! I still enjoy quilting and
making new work, just not blogging ... and I know there are many,
many other wond...
Finish-Along, 4th Quarter 2016
I'm just going to list one project for my Q4 Finish-along goal: my king
size Maple Leaf quilt.
[image: maple quilt blocks]
This is a phone pic from 2 week...
Where are They Now - Nikki
Where have I been -- definitely not doing the art thing. Being a twelve
was so inspiring creatively and the timeline forced me to be focused. Art
was a...
What's Next?
[image: IMG_2874.JPG]
The Double Irish Chain is complete. I might add borders if it becomes a
back. This is a partial shot of the top. The top is squ...
My creative friend Misty Cole has designed an unusual and intriguing block
of the month - poison bottles! She asked me to interpret two of them, so
here th...
I won 3rd place in an extended seam* contest on CQI this month. This was my
entry, which has since been made into a notecard and is for sale at Grand
Vintage weddings, gowns, linens and monograms.
I know that Spring is a traditional time for weddings but at the moment
most of my conversations with friends and family seem to involve a
Flying By ... with an update and a craft
Oh, I've been AWOL - but you probably noticed. What I didn't realize of
course is that it has been over a year. That does not mean I haven't
thought about...
*Shopping Heaven in a Small Town*
It’s been a while since I’ve ventured north of the cities in the winter.
It’s the beginning of a Minnesota February and...
Joy's Joy!
Joy's Joy
Recently I have been thinking about finishing up the couple of words that I
missed. I have small knitting/spinning group that meets every coup...
it's been another 2 years and I'm back! Leaving for Australia tomorrow and
I didn't want the girls to ask if I had blog since the last time I made
this sam...
October Meeting
We have basically used this blog to announce upcoming quilt events. We
have decided to *try *to post summaries from our monthly meetings. We will
Modern Makeover Hand Quilting
Hello quilty folks out there in Blogland.
My Modern Makeover progress on my Good Earth Quilting Blog is going well
and I'm enjoying it, even though my righ...
Sweet Jenny Belle
Hi all! The Bakery opened in August and it's been a fun blur since. I have
opened a new site for Sweet Jenny Belle - you'll find ordering
instructions, ...
Austin was great!
We rolled into town February 17 for Bonnie's QuiltCon adventure. That's
where today's modern quilters convene to show, view, learn, and generally
swoon ...
Terrarium Study
It has been quite a few months ago that I entered A Global Talent Search contest
through Lilla Rogers Art Agency. The assignment was to create a piece...
I have been missing in action from this blog but all is well. I just
celebrated my 63rd (egad!) birthday without any major trauma. Like Sweetie
says, it ...
Aquatic Symmetries
~23" x 20"
For this challenge, I combined #62 from Wendy Wetzel, "Notan" and Pam
Harris's #43, "Under the Sea" -- and while combining those would give m...
Dianabol for sale online is known as the former Ciba label for the oral
steroid hormone methandrostenolone. It’s actually a type of testosterone,
It is finished! 2 years and 10 months.
Pop over to my blog to see a complete post.
This is me, Barb Vedder, signing off of the Jubilee Blog.
Venting ... It's a New World Dance Craze
Shall we dance?
All I see in the world today is a dance. But it is an ugly contortion. No
swans, no hoe-downs, no cha chas. It is only a mashup of movement...
I've taught my last class and given my last lecture! Now to stay home and
work on the quilts I want to make and see if I can get bored.
I loved teaching p...
Ann Robinson Bedcover
This bedcover is one of the earliest quilts in the Shelburne Museum
collection, and is on the cover of the book Enduring Grace, Quilts from the
Sashiko sampler beginnings...
As much as I love my sewing machine(s), these days I really enjoy the
convenience and satisfaction of handwork - so relaxing and satisfying.
*Mitsu um...
New Year, New quilts
Last year I think I only sewed. I certainly didnt knit, crochet or make
anything other than quilts. I had far too many trips away from home but
still had a...
Dear Friends and Followers of Lisa’s blog,
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, there haven’t been any recent posts to Lisa’s
blogs, Michigoose’s Gander at Quilts ...
My Lone Star
In October my oldest son requested a quilt for Christmas. I managed
to get it done, quilting and all. Below is my working drawing of the
quilt. I ...
Come on Over to My House!
by Laura WasilowskiThe Artfabrik website is up and running again and I'd
love to have you come visit. You'll see my blog on the front page and links
to th...
Not quite a quilt....
I haven't been doing much quilting of late - just the minimum amount to
maintain my sanity - or not quite! (should ask my children if they think
I'm still ...
Another T-shirt quilt
Here's another T-shirt quilt that I just finished....I am now making them
for hire...thanks Pam for being my 1st customer! I am also thinking about
I've moved! Literally and physically. Time to shut down Join me on my new blog - (which has not been ...
Where the Market Is
Antiques are like anything else. There are trends and cycles:
When Gee's Bend Quilts were hung at the Whitney Museum years ago, African
American Improvisa...
An Outlier Uncovered
*Unquilted counterpane dated 1782 with initials E.B.*
*Collection of the Winterthur Museum*
In 1974 the Orlofsky's book *Quilts in America* gave us all ou...
wonderful old quilts ~ yuba city, ca
I had a *great time* with the
Yuba-Sutter Valley (CA) Quilt Guild
I *gave a talk* at their meeting last night
and this morning I *appraised* some the memb...
*Scrappy Color Play – "Mix and Match" Sampler*
This small quilt offers a twist on a traditional sampler. It’s created from
paper piecing 10 different 3...
Taking a blog break...........
Taking a break from quilting and blogging to recover from knee replacement
surgery. Ouch. Had no idea it was going to be so painful. O my, am I
We Have Moved - New Blogs and Website
I am delighted to announce the launch of our new website and my new blog.
Visit - Sue's blog at
Kelly's sto...
The 1st Day of Christmas
If you are new to my blog since last year, you might not know that I
deliver packages for UPS, and don't have a second of spare time for at
least a month b...
Getting Together
Normally December would be a time of getting things into place. Getting
them together. Tax receipts. Almost finished quilts. Articles that have to
Bad Bad Blogger!
I've been a bad, bad blogger.
I know I've been MIA for longer than I care to admit.
Honestly, I'd hit a wall. I had a to-the-death struggle with the f...
Thank you for your readership, your support, and your comments on this blog
over the last couple years. To give our readers a more pleasant and full
This quilt is gorgeous! I love love love that chintz border, and the pairs of flowers across the centers....doesn't look planned, but it was! Awesome!
ReplyDeleteWow--the border fabric is stunning!
ReplyDeleteA very interesting setting. I can't imagine the patience it took to make this!