Thursday, October 25, 2018

Folky Funky Eagles - Antique Quilt

 A friend's posting on Instagram of a twin block to my Folky Eagles got me looking for a post of my quilt. I realized I'd never shared mine on this blog. So here is my very folky Eagle quilt (it may really be doves of peace)? Formerly in the McCarl Quilt Collection in Pennsylvania.

Here's the twin of mine that is in the International Quilt Study Center Museum in Nebraska. Soooo very similar

A close up of mine 

And here is the twin antique block that just came across my instagram feed tonight from mjinmichigan! She found the single block. It is a quarter of the four eagle block above. It is a small world after all! 
Likely the maker wanted a block to document/pattern one of the original quilts above.

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