Saturday, October 22, 2016

Early Fabric Dyes Blues

One of my all time favorite quilts, a charming, 9 patch top. Blocks are circa 1830/40 but joined together later and fabrics are 1830s and 1840s and earlier, even 1790.

The four corner blocks feature stripes with Prussian blue and the lighter (less often seen) Prussian Green. 

And here's another block from the same quilt top with a Prussian blue plaid often called a buff and blue (top right corner).

And this block features dyed indigo fabric with a resisted or bleached diamond design.

More of the top.


  1. some of the most simple of patterns are some of the best. I'm familiar with Prussian Blue but not green. I'll be researching that myself but I would love to hear more from you about that color. Thank you

  2. I agree--I had never heard of Prussian Green. Enlighten us, please. : )
    Love this quilt top, Sandra!
    Spent the evening Thursday at a guild with your sister. Always fun to see her again!

  3. That quilt is really charming. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks for sharing this wonderful quilt!


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