
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Day 31 - Bethlehem Star- Month of Antique Hand Quilting

Ending the year and month full of antique quilts with hand quilting with this firework Bethlehem Star!

Bethlehem Star, circa 1850 from Pennsylvania.  One can't help but smile when looking at this quilt!  Part of my antique quilt trunk show, Quilt Masterpieces.
From the eBay listing: "An amazing rising sun quilt with satellite stars and deep blue print background. I love the way this quilt was designed with the blue background. The center star floats against a blue background sky."

Note:  the quilt top is from around 1850 BUT it was finished much more recently probably in the 1940's or 50's.  That is when it acquired that wild yellow backing


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