
Sunday, December 1, 2019

December Blog-a-thon Begins - A Month of Hand Quilting

I'm joining the December 31 Days of blogging challenge hosted by Cheryl Sleboda once again. I will be sharing hand quilting both old and new all month. Each day will feature a different hand quilted quilt.  
Click on link to Cheryl's blog above to join in the fun or to follow along with other bloggers.

Here's the after and before shots of my Virginia is For Lovers Quilt. Look at what a difference the quilting makes!

The full quilt - only 16" x 16"! Yes, the flowers above are teeny. A recreation/reproduction of an antique crib quilt in the Starley Quilt Collection. I'll share the antique tomorrow.

Virginia Is For Lovers 16" x 16"
Original Pattern - Sandra Starley
Based on antique quilt in Starley Collection


  1. LOVE the before and after of the hand quilting! Beautiful :) Thanks for all you share!

  2. Beautiful. Love the double row stitching for the quilting. Just may incorporate that soon!

  3. Great texture from your beautiful hand quilting!


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