
Thursday, March 22, 2018

What is a Tile Quilt? Antique New England Tile Quilt

Tile Quilt?? For many of you this will be a new antique quilt style. Tile quilts are generally appliqued onto a background with space showing between patches like grout around ceramic tiles. They are fairly rare/uncommon. This beauty is from the New England Quilt Museum. Circa 1885

My favorite is this block with a cat highlighted in the center of the block and surrounded by a bird, a good luck horseshoe, a rooster, and a sunflower.

The decorated fan is lovely.

I think this owl and butterfly are fussy cut out of a period crazy quilt cheater print.And the fan and several Asian scenes another strong clue to the 1880s date.

The couple with lady in long dress playing a raquet game could also help date the quilt by a costume expert.


  1. I have seen this type of quilt that was recently made, but did not know they had a vintage history. This is so cool! Thanks you for sharing it.

  2. Such a special type of quilt. A friend of mine is making one, she has been working on it on and off for some years now, I love seeing it, so many special things in it.

  3. This is one of my all time favorite quilts. I call this method "stonewall" as that is what we called it in Maine. Probably because we have so darned many stonewalls! I love making these blocks. They are great for attacking the scrap pile!


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