
Friday, June 18, 2010

Pink Antique Goose in Pond

This is one of my cheeriest quilts, you can definitely see it was made in the transitional period between the dark Victorian quilts and the bright 1930's quilt. It is a circa 1910 Goose in Pond quilt and from Ohio. It is a fairly uncommon pattern to find and I was quite pleased to find it.

Here is a four block section, note again the blues and burgundy of the first quarter. Also the simple functional baptist fan quilting, another dating clue as this wasn't the time of elaborate quilting.

Here is one of the two blocks that have sawtooth 'coping strips' to make them fit into the top. Blocks like this always interest me, wonder what happened . . . was it a group quilt and some people didn't read the instructions, did the maker decide to recycle blocks that weren't quite the right size or did she really have technical difficulties???? In spite of, or maybe because I'm such a diehard on my own quilts, I love these 'maverik' or what was she thinking quilts (thanks Julie Silber for one of my fav. quilting phrases).

It may be the person was a new quilter as this quilt has another unusual aspect: 3 different binding techniques were used - self binding (back brought to front), applied binding, and a knife edge. Again, don't know if it was a group quilt or a practice/learning quilt.


  1. That's a great quilt. I think you are right on the money in dating it. One of those blocks would make an interesting miniature quilt. I'll have to add it to my list of projects!

  2. Terrific quilt! I love the "what was she thinking" block-the other one looks even wonkier!

    The binding is very interesting...every side bound differently until she found the one she liked and did that on the last side??

  3. I just finished making a goose in the pond quilt
    I used an antique block I own to make it and the background of my block is a morton's salt feedsack!
    thanks for sharing this quilt, just beautiful

  4. love this quilt. great colors and yes, the what the heck extra triangles!

  5. Really like this cute quilt! It has a lot of interesting points. We try to hard to make our quilts perfect these days, while the unperfect ones just seem to steel our harts! It stole mine!


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